Saturday, 1 September 2012

Alright Japan, we've got a problem.
And this was a problem I was willing to ignore until it recently became two problems...
Problem 1: Pigeons on my front balcony. I tried to keep them out, but failed, so I figured I'd just let them have this balcony, as long as I had my bedroom-balcony....
Problem 2: I went out on my other balcony and found these little nightmares... I know, they're cute, adorable fledglings, but that won't make me love them... 

So new plan. Wait for these jerkadons to flee the nest, and then take back the night. Gonna bird proof the crap outta this place.

Aaaannnd in other news. A delightful adventure with my favourite Kiwi, Jessica Clarke, English teacher extraordinaire, fantastic company, and partner in crime.

There's nothing like a fuzzy navel

I am immediately drawn to anything comically small. This being Japan, it happens often. More on life as a 6'1" man in a 5'7" world soon. I may be growing a unicorn horn on the top of my head that I hit on at least 1/3 of the doorways.
It's either that or I'm going to come back to Canada with a stoop and a hunch-b

 Adventure Part 2: Colin and Jess go for a "Grape Hunt" and are slightly disappointed when they find out there are no guns involved.
They peel their grapes. Because Japan


We each came out of it with a bag of grapes, a stomach full of grape ice-cream, grape candy, frozen grapes, and enough regular grapes to start a winery, as well as having been serenaded by two farm workers on Japanese guitar

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